Well I think the title pretty much says it all. I’ve got a lot on my mind and it just needs to spew forth. So here goes.
J’s birthday was last Friday. I think we all had fun celebrating (don’t you just love how we ALL celebrate when there’s a birthday?) Oh, and T’s birthday was last Wednesday, Happy Birthday Tay-Tay. The birthday weekend was good. Friday night we took a fieldtrip to the porn store, because it’s been awhile. We enjoy going but I don’t think for the same reasons most people like to go. We walk around and laugh or cringe at the porn/merchandise. Oh and we always have to pick a favorite porn title from our trip. This time around I think “Honey, I Blew Up Your Pussy” was the hands down winner.
Saturday J wanted to have a wine and cheese type birthday party after his birthday dinner. Dinner was good. The waiter was cute. The party nibbles were well received. I’d say the wine and cheese party was a success even if it wasn’t so sophisticated. Many people had fun at the party but quite a few got drunk. And yes Brad, I know you aren’t that person. : )
Monday night I went to the bar to pick up something for CAT. While I was there I overheard some regulars talking about Tommy Lee (yes I was totally eavesdropping). They were talking about how he was considering moving to another town in Alabama. I cannot accurately describe what I started feeling when I heard that. I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me, I felt sad, I was pissed and I felt dismissed. I left very shortly after overhearing this and went home to feel whatever I was feeling. I realized how much I would miss him if he left. I realized how much I look forward to running into him at the bar. I realized how much a chance meeting can affect you. I realized that I felt hurt because “I heard it through the grapevine” and not from him.
Tuesday I wanted to crawl out of my own skin. I was bored but couldn’t think of anything to do. Well and I wanted to suck on someone and had nobody to suck on. I think the Cosmic Horn is in full effect again. Apparently this happens to me every January. I just need to make out with a guy and I should be over it. I hope.
Wednesday CAT and I went to the bar. Tommy Lee showed up about 20 minutes after we got there. It was weird; I didn’t want to talk to him. So we exchanged polite hellos and didn’t really talk to each other all night. On the rare occasion that we did speak, it was like talking to someone I just met. I didn’t care for that at all and it made me feel a little bit icky. I’m not really sure what to do about it though.
After Tommy left the Cowboy showed up. I guess I’m making progress where he’s concerned because I was actually able to converse with him and I didn’t want to claw his eyeballs out. So yea me, I’m completely over the Cowboy. Still not sure what I saw in him in the first place, other than that I still think he has a really nice nose. Yes, I know how strange that sounds.
I’m hoping to “bump” into Mr. 40+ this weekend. I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much though. It usually just leads to disappointment and I hate being disappointed. I did turn down an invitation Friday so I could sit at the bar and hopefully run into him. But did I really need to go to the circus with the Cowboy? Yeah I didn’t think so either. If I do see him again, and we have another night like the one we had a few weeks ago, and he doesn’t ask for my number, I just might scream.