Brand New Chimichanga

Monday, December 04, 2006

Paint It Black

Well so far nothing more from the Crazy Bitch. I think she's embarrassed enough about her feeble suicide attempt, (and no I'm not making light, but this girl didn't want to harm herself in any way really) that she made such a big deal about that I don't know that I'll hear from her anymore. That's a good thing. I need less crazy in my life.

As for things with the Big Bad Wolf. I don't know what to do. If you remove all the crap that's happened I still like him. I still have a lot of fun hanging out with him. I still think he's incredibly sweet. Unfortunately I can't remove all the crap. I just have to get past it or not. I'm not past it yet. I'm simply trying to decide if he's worth it. What if I decide that he is and we work through things only to have him cheat on me like he has almost every girlfriend he's ever had? That would make me a complete asshole...

Why can't I ever do things easy?


At 4/12/06 6:16 PM, Blogger Sally O'Malley said...

Ah, but love requires a leap of faith, foolish or not...

If you sense possibility, throw yourself into it. Some of my biggest and best rewards have come from taking big chances.

Furthermore, she sounds like she has some fucking problems, so I say he may have cheated because he was miserable with her, or maybe because he wanted her to dump him - it's the easy way out (at least on paper). Whatever the cause of his infidelity, trust him until HE gives you a reason not to...

At 4/12/06 8:32 PM, Blogger DrinkJack said...

I am a conservative chap, so I say let all of this cool off for a bit and then decide if he is worth it after the holidays.


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