Brand New Chimichanga

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Day Tripper

I guess I'm back for my weekly post, although I hope to get my computer back this weekend. Let me see if I can remember what has gone on since my last post. Oh last Thursday I went out with CAT and it was like Revenge of the Ex-Boyfriends. Her ex Soldier Boy was there and Mr. 40+ was there as well. We spent most of our time over at "the other bar" to avoid them (well mostly we were avoiding her Soldier Boy). Mr. 40+ actually came over to me and we had a pleasant little chat. After we got home that night my cell phone rang and it was Mr. 40+. I answered and he was really trashed. He told me how good it was to see me, blah, blah, blah and then he asked me if I wanted to come over. WHAT? I very politely declined and we got off the phone. That was just odd.

Oh and I did see The Young Republican Thursday night as well. It was all cool. We chatted and smiled and bantered. I think he had a very nice time the other night and got the impression he would do it again if given the chance. We'll see.

Friday I drove home to spend Easter with my family. On my way home, Tommy called and asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with him. I told him that I was on my way home so I couldn't. Later on in the trip Mr. 40+ called me because he noticed he'd called me last night and wanted to make sure he hadn't said anything out of the way. I told him about the conversation but I wasn't pissed or offended by anything he'd said so it was all good. Then came the inevitable discussion about what happened with us. I hate these discussions but if someone needs closure far be it for me to deny them. That sucks. So basically it boiled down to: Yes you did piss me off the last night we spoke. I got over it. I'm not holding a grudge. Just because things didn't work out doesn't mean I don't still like you. You're a wonderful person but you just weren't the right wonderful person for me. I would very much like to be friends. Sure you can call for a chat every so often. No I'm not dating Tommy Lee. At least it's done and over with and we (it seems) will be able to remain on good terms.

Sunday night Tommy called me to wish me a happy Easter. I think he actually missed me. Mr. 40+ called and The Cowboy called. I don't know what it was about Sunday but apparently I was on a few people's minds. I didn't talk to Mr. 40+ or The Cowboy so I don't know exactly why they called.

Monday I went to "the bar" to see Tommy's band. After a bit I wandered over to the other bar. Abbey and lots of his friends were there. The Chunky Guitar Player was there and we had a nice little chat. That's the first time we've really had a good conversation since that night he came home with me and we fooled around. He even cracked a joke about that night and apologized for never calling. It was good talking to him like that again because he's a sweet guy. Jello was also there but avoiding me like the plague. I'm just going to chalk that up to him being embarrassed about the marriage proposal. Hopefully he'll come around and if not, well who gives a fuck? The Young Republican was also working. He came by the table I was sitting at to say hello. So glad everything is cool with him.

After a while I went back to "the bar" and the band was packing up. Tommy asked me if I could take him home. I agreed. We left the bar and I turned towards his house and he told me, "No, I meant go home with you." Okay. So we went home and started watching movies. We stayed up all night snuggled on the couch watching movies. Once the sun came up we went for breakfast and somehow over breakfast a road trip seemed like a good idea. We ran home so I could change and off to Atlanta we went (I know it was only Atlanta, but it was a road trip none the less). Tommy lived in Atlanta for years and he wanted to show me where he grew up and the places he'd hung out. It was quite the interesting trip. I found out a great deal more about Tommy.

Of course this day excursion also involved bars he used to frequent. Needless to say, by some time early yesterday afternoon I was drunk. Very drunk. Of course so was he. Then he took me to a cemetery where one of his good friends was buried while I was super drunk. Neither one of us remember why but I started crying at the cemetery. It's been quite some time since I drunk cried so I guess I was due. I don't remember being pissed or all that sad so I don't know what was wrong with me. Tommy decided that I was crying for everyone who was forgotten in that cemetery. I think it sounds as good as anything else so I'm going to go with that.

After the cemetery Tommy decided I probably needed some food so we had an impromptu picnic somewhere on the lawn of an office building (I think). After that we went over to one of his friend's house for a cookout. It was kind of weird being surrounded by all of these people that have known Tommy Lee for so long. He told me a good bit about his past yesterday and I'm very glad that I got to know the Tommy he is now. I don't think I would have been friends with the Tommy he used to be. In fact I know we wouldn't have. I'm not saying he was a bad person but he's just a much better one now.

We came home last night and I fell into to bed. I was beginning to feel really ill from the lack of sleep and I'm sure too much booze. Day drinking is rough when you aren't 21. I'm so going to have to leave Alabama before too much longer or Tommy and I are going to end up in "The Betty" or at the very least he's going to end up broke.

Thanks for the addresses guys!


At 21/4/06 8:32 PM, Blogger d-town said...

i'm glad you had a good time in the ATL but it drives me crazy that you didn't include any geographic details! of course that may have been on purpose. lol.

so did you show him your old haunts? lord, we do have a few ... too bad backstreet is closed or you could have shown each other where you each hung out (didn't he go there a little bit too?)

glad to talk to ya the other night even if it was for just 10 mins. we'll talk more soon, dale mcdaniel!

At 22/4/06 7:48 PM, Blogger DrinkJack said...

I would be lost without a computer, you are so brave :)

Up all night and THEN a road trip...damn, to be young again.


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