Brand New Chimichanga

Friday, August 19, 2005

Rock n' Roll All Nite

So here's the skinny. I have a date tonight. Yes, a date. That in it's self is saying something considering the last real date I had was years ago. Here comes the fucked up part. I have a date with a guy that is the farthest thing from my type that I could possibly imagine. Ordinarily I go after smart, college educated, funny, accomplished, tallish, healthy, sweet guys who would be good marriage material. This guy is a drummer in a band, tattooed, drinks too much, smokes too much, wears ratty shirts with the sleeves cut off, really tall, really skinny, world educated, not stupid, horny and would be horrible marriage material. Basically I've agreed to go on a date with this Alabama town's version of Tommy Lee.

What is a nice girl like me doing with a guy like this? I haven't a clue. The only thing that I can really see that we have in common is a passion for the Rolling Stones. Yet when he asked me out I couldn't think of any reason to say no because I wanted to say yes. So I did.

He called Wednesday to finalize plans for tonight and informed me for this special occasion he would wear a shirt with sleeves. I'm going on a date with a man who thinks sleeves on a shirt is "fancy". God help me. I on the other hand, am wearing a demure yet sexy black top, my skinny jeans and my favorite sassy black heels. I suppose we'll look like the princess and the rockstar.

Having said all that I am looking forward to tonight. On the occasions that we've hung out I do have a good time. He makes me laugh and he's everything that I'm not which I find incredibly interesting. The only part of the date that I'm a little worried about is the goodnight kiss. I'm still not really sure that I can go there but I know he'll do everything he can to try and get one. He's been trying to get me to make out/sleep with him since the first time I met him. Usually that approach just pisses me off, but coming from him, it's oddly charming. Go figure.


At 19/8/05 8:47 PM, Blogger DrinkJack said...

Go and enjoy life! Don't think too much and be safe :)

At 21/8/05 5:23 PM, Blogger Brad said...

Despite what I might say when playing devil's advocate; if it makes you feel good, go for it! I still expect to hear all of the details!;o)

At 22/8/05 8:42 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

sooooo..... first off... welcome back!!! I've missed you!

(though trying to pose no pressure for you to feel like you have to write, but hooray!! I'm glad you're back!)

second.... HOW DID THE DATE GO?????


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